Monday, August 07, 2006

birthday wish list

So my birthday is this Wednesday and since everyone else is working I'll have to wait until Saturday to celebrate. OK attention everyone, this is the official MDL birthday wish list, get pen and paper and a get ready to hit the stores since there's really only one day left:

1. A pony (ha ha... not really )
2. School supplies ( no ..seriously)
3. Tuition money (I’m not joking)
4. A Toyota Matrix (silver please, hey i need wheels to get around, he he)
5. An internet connection (again, dead serious)
6. Chocolate (his shouldn’t even on the list)
7. Marble composition notebooks, I’m almost out (where else would I write my unpublished blog entries)
8. Another memory card (the one I have keeps filling up, he he)

OK now the really important stuff:

9. Good times with old friends and hopefully new ones
10. More time ( I’ll put it in my top drawer and save it for the fall when I’ll have none)
11. Health

you're NAO, I'm a chicken..... but you're a turkey he he

No flowers please I really hate them they’re dead and need to be put into water that will eventually reek (what’s the point).



Anonymous said...

Who are you kidding, you forgot to mention caffeine on your list, and i am sorry everyone needs chocolate once a while, the marble notebooks I can provide, tutuion money, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIdont know about that, Grad school sounds very expensive to me... And I hope Santa will deliver a very special person into your life, a person that would be smart enough to figure out the amazing down to earth person that you are. Yes, i am your bestfriend, ofcourse i will only speak good about you, but really, you are the most beautiful person that i know, and i am very happy to have you in my life.

Ms. DeLeon said...

well santa is not coming for another four months, so i'm a little confused, but thanx for the wishes :-)