Sunday, December 31, 2006

Looking back....

So I say goodbye to ’06 in a state of confusion. This has by far been the rollercoaster year for me. I have experienced just about every emotion there is to experience in my search for…. Whatever it is I’m chasing. It has also been a year of introspection and reflection. A closer look to the controlled chaos I call a life. I’m still trying to fit the pieces but I no longer try to fit a triangle into a whole. I also met so many wonderful, and some not so wonderful people, this year and while I appreciate the friends I have greatly, I have the need to expand my horizons. I also came to terms with some of the most turbulent things in my life; a task that I thought impossible. Some of the prophecies made by the oracle have not materialized yet, probably because I don’t believe in the oracle to begin with.

Although it may seem this way, I did pay attention to the external world this year too. Here’s a list of the most memorable moments of 2006:

  • Pluto is not a planet
  • Democrats win control of Congress
  • Borat
  • Pelosi is the first woman to be Speaker
  • Steve Erwin dies
  • PS3
  • American Death Toll in Iraq Hits 3,000
  • 40 sq mile ice shelf collapses in the Canadian Artic due to global warming.

I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff but I can’t think of anymore right now.

Here’s a small list of things I still don’t care about :

  • Britney
  • Miss USA
  • Katie and tom
  • Politician scandals
  • Celebrity break-ups
  • Sports

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


I was inspired by a fellow blogger/myspacer to put into words my resolutions/goals for the new year. I'm usually too unconventional to do this on new year's, but I'll try this as a guideline and not an assignment, so I don't set myself up for failure. So here they are:

  1. To keep in touch with friends : if you have known me for at least a couple of years, you know that I am not very good at returning phone calls, emails and myspace comments, remembering birthdays, and keeping in touch in general. I am already making a conscious effort to get better at this.

  1. Finish Grad-School : this will happen in May, but I writing this one because of my tendency to self-sabotage when I'm close to completing something.

  1. Expand my social circle: I love the friends I have but there's nothing wrong with making new ones.

  1. Make more healthy choices: I losing weight will be a plus, but my real goal is to live longer.

  1. Take more pictures: I have been neglecting my Rebel lately but I haven't given up on photography yet.

  1. Learn more and teach Duke about our culture: I am not hung up on pride and heritage but I think it's important to understand where you come from in order to understand yourself better.

  1. Travel: although I only anticipate traveling to the DR this summer, I would like to make more trips if possible this year.

  1. Closure: I will stop procrastinating and resolve all the lose ends I've left lingering in the past (such as my divorce).

  1. Learn to drive and obtain my liscence: yes just like my dear friend that inspired this entry, I've had no need to drive. However, like SpongeBob, I feel like this will be a milestone in my life.

  1. Stop biting off more than I can chew : saying NO can be a good thing, and I have to practice this more.

Well I didn't plan to end at such a predictable number, but I can't think of any other things at this moment. By posting this I hope to motivate myself to follow these guidelines.

Happy New Year to all!!!!!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

party, shopping and street meat

This was an interesting weekend. I started it doing things I shouldn’t be doing, I went to the Non-Denominational Holiday Extravaganza/Jenn-Francis Engagement Extravaganza. It was fun, however I have a feeling that the Heggs was probably mad at me for knocking down the table and getting punch all over the floor, I didn’t mean to but I’m little clumsy. I also went shopping, YES SHOPPING, I don’t know how Nao got me to agree to do that. I went primarily to get Duke’s present and came back with everything but the present. Nao also treated me to a full meal of street meat, rice , salad with hot & white sauces. We were gonna take it go, ‘cause we had no idea that the street vendor had a seating area right next to the cart. So we sat next to old navy, in the cold, eating a street meat meal. Things you only do in New York. Anyway, we then headed home and I had to get ready for a baby shower in my building. I eneded up drinking more than I should’ve but it was ok ‘cause I was in my building. Sunday I did nothing and by that I mean absolutely nothing. It was a fun weekend, but I’m glad it’s over. I am now trying to catch up with school work and other things that I’ve been neglecting.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I had some unexpected alone-time today and I really had no clue what to do. After running a couple of errands I wandered for a while. Decided to go to a couple stores in search for a new coat. That didn’t work out, just ended up feeling frustrated. I wandered some more until I realized it was too cold for that and searched for a place to be indoors. Ended up at Starbucks drinking a gingerbread mocha. Yes go ahead re-read the last sentence, I went to starbucks, stop judging me… lol…. I still detest coffee, but the mocha wasn’t half bad. Anyway, after I finished my drink I went to pick up duke and went home. I felt like I wasted so much time for no reason when I should’ve been doing homework. But time on helped clear my head and be able to look at the chaos from the outside. And just as I suspected, it’s still contained.



So it's cold. What did you expect? it is December..... anyway, It turns out there was an emergency study session on Friday and it was pretty cool....not as intense as the one I missed, but pretty laid back. I then washed away this awful week away in a bubble bath. Well it wasn’t all awful but I sure washed away the awful parts.

On a brighter note I got some recognition at work, which feels good but it also means I have to live up to it.

My moms’ group has hit the ground running. Yes I know what you’re thinking…..a bunch of women bitching about parenting. Well, no this is a group for young (and not so young) moms to share their experiences in the unpredictable world of parenting. Anyway, I’m excited about it.
