Sunday, December 03, 2006


I had some unexpected alone-time today and I really had no clue what to do. After running a couple of errands I wandered for a while. Decided to go to a couple stores in search for a new coat. That didn’t work out, just ended up feeling frustrated. I wandered some more until I realized it was too cold for that and searched for a place to be indoors. Ended up at Starbucks drinking a gingerbread mocha. Yes go ahead re-read the last sentence, I went to starbucks, stop judging me… lol…. I still detest coffee, but the mocha wasn’t half bad. Anyway, after I finished my drink I went to pick up duke and went home. I felt like I wasted so much time for no reason when I should’ve been doing homework. But time on helped clear my head and be able to look at the chaos from the outside. And just as I suspected, it’s still contained.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For someone who hates coffee, you sure don't mind spending <$4 on a cup :)

P.S. Coffee is delicious
