Friday, February 01, 2008

Day 55 (365)

Day 55 (365)
Originally uploaded by NYCmiri
Day 55 (365)

I have a mild infatuation for the for the old door knobs at my school. The fact that they were made specifically for nyc public schools make them a little interesting. This is the doorknob of my first classroom at my current job, room 101.

Room 101 represents a year of challenge, tears, self-doubting and growing up. But this is really about that doorknob, not my year in room 101 :-) It's very likely that this particular knob has been on this door since the school was built 68 years ago.

As far as the image is concerned, I realize I could've done better than this. The truth is I was super tired and I snapped this on my way out because I needed a picture of the day.

I would also like to apologize for the poor paint job on this door :-)

Look for some more doorknobs in the near future in my flickr photo stream.

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