Tuesday, February 14, 2006


I'm officially depressed. I can anticipate this day is gonna make me sick. besides the fact that I have to go to work and school and I have to see a million people being happy and in love and all that, I also have to deal with something i've been puttin off. I am a little anxious to find out but at the same time I'm not sure how i would feel either way. I think it's funny how I never cared about v-day, and never really affected me either way. this year i've managed to feel like shit and have a million problems. well that's my life anyway. I was recently asked when was the last time i really enjoyed anything. I dont think i can remember ever really enjoying anything fully. I always have reality right there slapping me in the face. I can never say "shit, this is pretty cool" because as soon as i even think that some really fucked up part of my existence pops up saying"wtf do u think ur doing, u cant be happy?"

anyway i pledge to be as miserable as i can today and have the least human contact possible. I have to pretend to be cheery infront of my students, but at 3:00pm I will jet out and not speak to a single soul in order not to lash out unnecessarily.

bye for now

1 comment:

Lynn Green said...

Hope you can make connections in your life. Good luck from one teacher to another.