Saturday, July 29, 2006

A few months ago I posted a list of things/people I hate. I was reading this post and it makes me sound like a very angry person when everyone that knows me knows I’m not. He he. So here’s a list of thing things that I like/love

  • I like Mac and cheese and funnel cakes ( even though I hardly eat them)
  • I like to pretend I know how to dance
  • I love to talk to NAO on the phone for hours
  • I heart GEEKS (especially computer geeks, especially the kind of computer geek that talks harddrive-gigabyte talk of which I understand approximately 70% but it doesn’t matter because he still manages to sound so hot, ::sigh::)
  • People that break the mold or prove stereotypes wrong
  • I like people that don’t have a chimney complex and can have a breakdown without smoking three packs
  • I love my Rebel XT
  • I love kids ( especially that kid that lives in my apartment… I love you Duko)
  • I love my job (there’s nothing else I can picture myself doing, other than being a professional geek groupie)
  • I love the internet
  • I love my family 75% of the time (100% if they live more than 80 miles away from me
  • I love NAO and her kids (We’re so gay I know)

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I just finished watching all the shows I have been recording in my DVR for the past year. This made me realize that if I was so desperate to watch an episode of Law and Order that I took the time to decipher the entire unnecessary button pressing, why has it been saved for a whole year. Does it really matter that they solved the case at this point? Thanx to me that missing child in Without a Trace has been missing for a whole year instead of just the usual 48 hours. I also found an assortment of half shows and movies that I started to watch and decided I would record the rest and finish it later, but it didn’t occur to me that I could’ve just pressed the little red button instead of going into the menu and performing a manual recording. So instead of recording the whole show I ended up recording half or a quarter of it. A year later I don't remember how it started so it's really pointless how it ends. I also found a lot episodes of Saved by the Bell and an 8 hr Chespirito mini-marathon.

Talking about Saved by the Bell, I just finished watching the episode when Jessie has too much on her plate and decides to take caffeine pills to stay awake and study. Yeah that one... don't pretend you don’t know what I’m talking know... the one when Zack comes to her room and she's passed out from exhaustion and she starts freaking out and singing "I'm soooo excited, and I just can't hide it....." and then breaks down and cries. Go ahead take a moment, wipe your tears, I know I cried too. it was a very moving episode ….I’m still getting over it.

Anyway, relieved that my DVR is finally cleared, I am off to record more pointless stuff that I won’t be watching until Summer ’07.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Maria and Luis Carlos Sitting on a Tree.........

........or at least next to one,

So my little brother got married today. which makes me feel old ass hell. I know I shouldn’t make this about me but this is MY blog. he he

Anyway we went to city hall and between me pretending to be a photographer, my dad throwing a tantrum, the kids running all over city hall, and Rick H. on his sidekick (while they were being pronounced) this has got to be the craziest wedding I've ever been to. [yes Nao even crazier than mine].

after city hall I treated the bride and groom to Mike's Papayas and headed for Central park for a photo session.... we had to stop at a nail spa near Stuyvesant HS because Preggo had to pee... anyway we finally got to the Belvedere Castle and took some pretty good pictures. What do you think? Not bad for my first wedding......

anyway it's still weird to see the kid that has been bugging me since the day he was born and whose diapers I changed tying the knot. I guess I'm old and in denial :)


Tuesday, July 18, 2006


There's probably a really good reason for this, but it doesn't make me any less nervous to see nitrogen tanks in random corners around the city. I saw these on the corner of 43rd and Madison, and to make it look worst there was hoses connected to them that led to the nearest manhole.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Off Duty

So I got off Jury Duty! YAY! I am so excited I dont have to spend part of my vacation in a courtroom. However since this is the fourth time I have postponed whan I get called back in January I have to go or I'll have to pay a fine and or go to jail. Wouldn't that be awsome?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Just Diet Coke

SO since I havent had a vodka and diet coke in a few months I am changing my name to just diet coke. Last time I had one or two or nine drinks at the D.O. I ended up ouking all over the Concourse from my coworker's car. I guess I learned my lesson since then.

MY 27th Birthday is coming up and I still haven't decided how to celebrate it. Nao has something colorful and special in mind and it sounds good, but we havent solidified plans yet (her birthday is 2 days before mine). I can't believe I am turning 27. I know I'm being drammatic but I don't feel 27. DENIAL is great. It's what pulls me through day to day.

I've been remembering my dreams, which is creepy because I keep having weird dreams about smiling strangers, running through long corridors of unfamiliar places and worry-free days sneaking in to see free movies. Mirrors also seem to be a recurring theme. Maybe I am relaxed in the mornings and that's the reason I am remembering these dreams or I finally lost my mind and those are not dreams at all but reality. Maybe what I think to be reality is actually a dream. a pretty boring dream.

I know I sound incresingly insane with each post, but it's just boredom talking (well typing ) here. Not that I am so eager to go back to work, but it's kinda wierd to wake up everyday without having to freak out about writing lessonplans and preparing for today's materials. No freaking out about oversleeping and no deadines on paperwork.

I am enjoying it while it lasts.

bye for now MDL

Sunday, July 02, 2006

I'm ok ... I guess

a lot has happened since my last post unfortunately my memory is horrible:

I almost got a ticket for tresspassing in a construction site in brooklyn (i knew i was tresspassing but didnt care cause the view was amazing and needed to take pictures) the cops were cool thugh and gave us a second chance.
i've taken 2300 pictures
my students graduated :(
I'm no longer looking for Mr. right or a blue prince or whatever the fuck girls dream about
I'm not as mad at him anymore, I realized what I always knew in my gut.
I'm strangely calm, i have no clue why.
I am still in shock about the end of the school year.
I have been obssessed with sudoku lately ( I know I'm late and that fad is actually over, but that's me I'm usually late)
I have lost some weight which i feel good about but somehow not as good as I thought i would feel.
I hate grad school with all my guts and I can't wait for next May
I have been dealing with really deep stuff lately and have learned a lot about myself. It's been really confusing but I feel releived.
I love having a friend that doesnt judge me no matter how much duct tape and garbage bags I use....THANK YOU
I love being a mom and driving myself nuts with lessons and practice and allowance and discipline all that good stuff.
I have a tentative new position within my job in the fall that sounds promising
I havent taken a single picture in over a week.
My REBEL rocks
A lot of things in my life are falling into place, or almost into place, I feel stable, like I havent felt in a long's a bit wierd but I'm getting used to it.

I guess that's it for now... sorry it's not that exciting.