I had a crappy day. not exeptionally crappy, just regular crappy. but it's always good to find out that i'm not the only one feeling like that. I guess I should always know that but it feels good to just know exactly how much the other person is suffering. In sick way, knowing he's not all well-adjusted and collected about things, makes me feel better about my crappiness. I think that makes this a better week than the last. It's not that I dont feel bad about his pain, cause I do. It's just that I hate feeling like the only person screwed up by this.
In a few months it will all be ok and we'll be able to talk again.
Just a piece of the ugliest, nevertheless real, human nature in me.
I hope you will have good days now to cancel out the crappy, be it regular crappy or intense crappy.
Bathroom Review
...kinda hard to do when you live in the building you live in, eh? lolz....
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