Sunday, January 29, 2006

I AM....

I had to do this reflective activity for one of my graduate courses that asked to " Describe who you really are." I gave it a lot of thought (well maybe like 2 minutes) and wrote the following:

"EFNP: I am an extrovert. I learn by talking to others. I also make decisions this way. I am a teacher, a mother, a sister, friend, a daughter, an eternal student, a dreamer, a doer, a procrastinator, distracted by the world. I have overcome challenges. I have faced hard times, fallen apart, gotten back together, imsomniac, often misunderstood. Loving, Caring, Strict, forgiving. I am hispanic or latina or whatever you wanna call me (this last I'm proud of but doesn't define me). I am critical of myself, but undersatnding of everyone else. I am MMDM. I am living my dream [teaching kids like me].

by the way this assignment was due at the end of december and I still havent handed it in.


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