Sunday, January 29, 2006
I AM....
"EFNP: I am an extrovert. I learn by talking to others. I also make decisions this way. I am a teacher, a mother, a sister, friend, a daughter, an eternal student, a dreamer, a doer, a procrastinator, distracted by the world. I have overcome challenges. I have faced hard times, fallen apart, gotten back together, imsomniac, often misunderstood. Loving, Caring, Strict, forgiving. I am hispanic or latina or whatever you wanna call me (this last I'm proud of but doesn't define me). I am critical of myself, but undersatnding of everyone else. I am MMDM. I am living my dream [teaching kids like me].
by the way this assignment was due at the end of december and I still havent handed it in.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Back to school
Until then BYE.
PS: Thanx for the comments Alex and steph. Steph I’m glad u liked the notebooks write in them and keep in touch.
Monday, January 16, 2006
not so much anymore
In a few months it will all be ok and we'll be able to talk again.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Poetry 101
En este mundo de mierda, nadie de cagar se salva.
Caga el buey, caga la vaca, caga el cura, caga el papa.
Y tu poeta cagón, que de cagarte te inspiras,
Inspírate en un mojón, y olvídate de la vida.
wow that's good poetry!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
It's hard to face changes in life, but I guess not impossible. I have been re-eveluating my life, as corny as that sounds. So far my life has consisted pleasing others. If I haven't helped someone or in one way or another influenced someone, then I start feeling like life is not worth living. I have denied myself happiness for way too long. I have closed myself to any possibilities of personal happiness because for sometime i thought of it as unecessary.
Today I did something for me. Knowing myself the consequences. I felt liberated, free, careless, fearless, and shameless, all the self-consciousness was gone. I knew it wasn’t real but I still did it because reality is overrated anyway. The minute I zipped up that second boot I knew it was over. The enchantment had vanished. The mice were mice again. Reality kicked in and reminded me of responsibilities. Reminded me that 9:00 was approaching and that time had run out. I fixed my skirt and my scarf. And plunged right into the sea of non-fantasy. A little nostalgic and a little upset I took the express to the local that brought me back to this. To my room where I sit pouring my heart out into a keyboard because somehow I feel all this is relevant and interesting. However, I know better. No one really cares about what I did or didn’t. Whether I finally accepted that, the meaning of life is nothing but to be alive. No one really cares that the minute I enjoy something in my life I feel like it's wrong and ban it .
It's a feeling I’ve carried for years and that is probably rooted in my catholic ever-guilty conscience.
The point of this post is long gone. I have no idea what it was supposed to be about. So just take as it is.