Sunday, December 23, 2007

Day 15 (365)

Day 15 (365)
Originally uploaded by NYCmiri
I know I'm being a total Scrooge about this, but there has got to be a law that prohibits this kind of stuff. The door on the right is my door. And no, I did not put up these decorations, my neighbor did. She's a fellow teacher and decorates her door and our section of the hallway at any possible occasion. It's freedom of expression, I guess, but do I have face it every time I leave or enter my apt?


Anonymous said...



Ms. DeLeon said...

ok, I'm not cold-hearted, tight fisted or selfish, and I don't hate Christmas. I just don't like excessive decoration two inches away from my door. BTW someone sabotaged the decorations overnight and I helped put them back up. so there... that goes to show I'm actually a good sport about this.