Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Today was my first day out since Sunday and it felt a little weird, so of course I took a cab to school even though it's only about 8 blocks away. I caught the flu over the past weekend and have been in bed with fevers, body aches and a hacking cough for the past three days. The worse part is that I don't cease to have a conscience, even when I’m sick. So I the whole time I was in bed and unable to open my eyed to even watch TV, all I kept thinking was " I have so much homework to do, and my thesis isn't finished yet"

I knew this was going to happen sooner or later, I was just hoping it would happen after finals. I have been running on high stress, no sleep and too much caffeine for the past two months. My doctor warned me that the next time I got sick it was going to be serious. He recommended that I slowed down and "took it easy.” But this just seemed impossible to me on my last term of grad school and my tenure year.

My body, however, had other plans for me. It decided to take a well-deserved 5 day vacation. I endure the flu, and slept more in five days than I have in the past four months put together. I went back to school today and realized that the work that I have to turn in isn’t as much I thought. I am almost done with the second draft of my thesis and feel confident I will be able to turn it in on time.

The next four weeks are going to be intense, but I'll try to remember to take breaks here and there.


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