Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day 34 (365)

Day 34 (365)
Originally uploaded by NYCmiri
Yes that's 7:07 AM and I was already at work. See, today was the last day of the ELA exam for Duke. Finally, the torture is over!! For the past three days I've had to get him to school by 7:15 am so he can eat breakfast with his teacher and classmates and have a chance to relax before the test begins at 9:15am. Those of you who know me well know that getting to work at 8am is challenge itself...Imagine me taking the train at 6:30am each day...seriously. ...anyway, I did it.....anything for Duke :-)
I even managed to be 8 minutes early today!!!


Anonymous said...

That's quite a feat. I'm still struggling to get up at 8am :)


Ms. DeLeon said...

I can't even remember the days I was able to wake up later than 6 to go to work...grrrr